We are currently serving Cranford Burns Middle School which is in our community. Their current needs are for toiletries and uniforms for the kids. See the full list of needs below. Mark Stovall is leading this work.

Toiletries Needed:

Body sprays Deodorant Toothpaste Body Wash Toothbrushes

Uniforms Needed:

Khaki Pants - Bottoms

White Polo Style Shirts - 6th Grade

Gray Polo Style Shirts - 7th Grade

Navy Blue Polo Style Shirts - 8th Grade

Navy Blue Sweaters/Jackets



Sheri Jones leads the Angel Program which helps families in distress with food boxes at Christmas. Help is needed in all forms! The prep work for this ministry begins in August. If you want to help with any of these ministries please complete the form below and you will be contacted.